The HodgePodge: Issue 4

Happy Easter, everyone.

I hope you had a good rest and you enjoyed the break.

It’s nice to have you here.

Let’s begin.


The Iraqi who saved Norway from oil.

This man was a godsend. You look at Norway now and see how they are able to avoid the curse of oil and use all their oil revenue for good.

What you don’t know is that this is only possible due to the foresight of an Iraqi immigrant.

This is his story.

One wishes we had him in Nigeria instead.


In Search Of The Red Cross’ $500 Million In Haiti Relief

Beware of the myth of the White/Foreign Savior. Some of them do good work, but most of them are thieving, embezzling bastards.

Takes a certain level of heartlessness to steal/misappropriate/misplace that much money which was raised for (already) poor people who had just suffered the worst earthquake in their history.

Bloody hell.


My Wife Was Dying, and We Didn’t Tell Our Children

Unashamed to say that this story made a hard guy like me sniffle.

Look at how much love was here: for the husband, for the wife, for the kids.

Oh my God.

Marla said to me at the hospital, “No glory days for us. We almost had the kids out of the house, and now you’re alone. I’m so sorry.”

I replied, “Sorry about what? You made life worth living. When you kissed me, I melted. I admired your pureness, your power. You outran science. Thank you for taking me on your magic carpet. Rest easy, my one and only girlfriend.”

Excuse me while I go to bawl my eyes out


In the early 20th century, women’s football was drawing crowds of over 50,000, and was as popular as (if not more popular than) male football. Then football authorities banned it for 50 years.

In case you ever wondered why female football plays catch-up to male football.


I acted as a man to get work – until I was accused of rape.

The inspiring story of a woman who did what she had to do to make a living and support her family, and the incredible twist in her circumstances that outed her.

Remarkable stuff.


What to stay awake and alert for longer?

Take a coffee nap. The science seems to check out.

You don’t know what a coffee nap is? I didn’t know what it was either.

Read this article.


Scientists find genetic mutation that makes woman feel no pain.

She’s had broken limbs, childbirth, hip replacement surgery, and been hit by a vehicle, and felt zero pain.

Nothing. Zilch.

She might hold the key to better pain management.


This Boeing situation is filling me with rage. Imagine putting human lives at risk, destroying families, breaking hearts, because of money.

Capitalism on steroids.

They could have done the right thing, but they didn’t, and now more than 300 people are dead.

I’m so angry. Every single one of them should rot in prison.


When LeBron learned the power of saying no

LeBron is a phenomenon, and his place in history is assured. I’m mostly impressed by the fact that, even as a teen, he knew what he wanted, and he wasn’t going to settle for less.

This is instructive.

“Know your worth, and then add tax”

Takes supreme self-awareness and confidence to turn down a $110 million offer as an unproven teenager, because it isn’t in line with your vision.


The Underground Railroad of North Korea.

Not all heroes wear capes. Some are deeply flawed people who risk their lives and liberty and livelihood and health rescuing people from the gulag that is North Korea.


Just wow.


America might be the world’s greatest terrorists.

This is a staggering abuse of power. Detain an innocent man for 14 years, torture him endlessly for 7, and worst of all, do not charge him to court for any crimes.

State-backed terrorism at its best.


The hustler staying positive on 25,000 a month.

An almost-unbelievable story of suffering and poverty, but a shining tale of optimism, resilience, and hard work.

I don’t know this person, but I wish things break even for him.

(Also, in case it wasn’t clear enough, this article makes it obvious how much suffering and poverty exist in Nigeria.

God save us.)



That’s all, folks.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

Hasta tarde.